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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a neural enzyme present in cerebral spinal fluid and fetal blood. AChE is not present in maternal blood and is not normally measurable in amniotic fluid. The abnormal presence of acetylcholinesterase in amniotic fluid is indicative of an open fetal defect. When AChE is detected, the ratio of AChE to pseudocholinesterase (PChE),

a non-specific cholinesterase usually found in amniotic fluid, may help distinguish open neural tube defects from open ventral wall defects or fetal blood contaminated fluid.

Specimen Requirements
Amniotic fluid, 2-5 ml, obtained between 14 – 24 weeks gestation. Results for specimens obtained prior to 14 weeks or after 24 are less reliable.

Acetylcholinesterase is assayed in all amniotic fluid samples for which there is an increased risk of a neural tube defect or other fetal abnormalities. Increased risk is defined by abnormal AF-AFP results or abnormal ultrasound findings. Amniotic fluid is examined for the presence of acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase by using slab gel electrophroresis. When acetylcholinesterase is detected, the ratio of acetylcholinesterase to pseudocholinesterase may help distinguish an open neural tube defect from an open ventral wall defect or fetal blood contaminated fluid.

Transport Temperature
Transport amniotic fluid samples at ambient temperature by same day or overnight courier. In high temperatures, the specimen should be packed with a cold-pack and shipped at 2°-8°C.

Turnaround Time
Approximately one week is required for the AChE assay

Alpha-fetoprotein (AF-AFP) Info

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein produced by the fetal liver. The function of the protein is not known. It is found in high concentration in fetal blood and in lower concentration in fetal urine. AFP can be measured in amniotic fluid which is composed primarily of fetal urine. Amniotic fluid AFP (AF-AFP) may be elevated in open fetal body wall defects, most commonly open neural tube defects (NTD) and open ventral wall defects, due to transfer from exposed fetal vessels and tissue. AF-AFP is elevated in congenital nephrosis from increased glomerular filtration of this relatively small protein. In cases with elevated AF-AFP, the risk for an open NTD or other fetal abnormality depends on the degree of elevation in the AF-AFP MoM (multiple of the median), the results of amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase testing, the detection of fetal hemoglobin and other significant risk factors.

Specimen Requirements
Amniotic fluid, 2-5 ml, obtained from 14 – 24 weeks gestation. Results for specimens obtained prior to 14 weeks or after 24 weeks are less reliable.

Alpha-fetoprotein in amniotic fluid is measured in micrograms/ml (µg/ml) by a solid phase, two-site fluoroimmunometric assay. During the second trimester of a normal pregnancy, the AFP concentration in amniotic fluid decreases by about 10% with each successive gestational week. Conversion of the AFP concentration to multiples of the median (MoM) allows use of a single cut off level for all gestational weeks. AF-AFP values greater than or equal to 2.0 MoM are considered elevated and the pregnancy is considered at risk for an open fetal defect. Reflex testing for the presence of AChE and fetal hemoglobin is performed for all samples with elevated AF-AFP.

Transport Temperature
Transport amniotic fluid samples at ambient temperature by same day or overnight courier. In high temperatures, the specimen should be packed with a cold-pack and shipped at 2°-8°C.

Turnaround Time
Approximately 1-3 days

Amniotic Fluid Chromosome Analysis Info


  • Abnormal first trimester screening result
  • Advanced maternal age (>35 years of age)
  • Previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormality
  • Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage
  • Family history of a chromosomal abnormality
  • Abnormal maternal serum screening results
  • Abnormal ultrasound findings

Specimen Requirements
15-20cc amniotic fluid (less if early amniocentesis)

Collection Procedure
Discard the first 2 ml of fluid to reduce the risk of maternal cell contamination.  Aseptically transfer the specimen into sterile plastic conical tubes labeled with patient’s name and date of birth.  A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport kit is available upon request.

Specimen Container
Sterile 15ml screw-cap container

In situ culturing of amniocytes to identify both numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities

Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT refrigerate, freeze or centrifuge)

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, excessive amounts of blood, inappropriate container

Turnaround Time
5-10 days

AneuVysion™ Prenatal FISH (13, 18, 21, X, Y) [FDA Approved] Info


  • Abnormal first trimester screening result
  • Advanced maternal age (>35 years of age)
  • Previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormality
  • Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage
  • Family history of a chromosomal abnormality
  • Abnormal maternal serum screening results
  • Abnormal ultrasound findings

STAT 24 hour detection of aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X & Y, via fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in interphase cells from prenatal samples.  All FISH analysis is confirmed by routine cytogenetic analysis.

Collection Procedure

  • Amniotic fluid

Discard the first 2 ml of fluid to reduce the risk of maternal cell contamination.  Aseptically transfer the specimen into sterile plastic conical tubes labeled with patient’s name and date of birth.

  • CVS

Aseptically transfer the specimen into sterile plastic conical tubes containing sterile transport medium (provided by CytoGenX). Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth.

A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport kit is available upon request.

Specimen Requirements
3- 5cc of amniotic fluid or 3mg of CVS is used for FISH analysis (this is in addition to the normal amount collected for chromosome analysis).  This is not a standalone test and must be ordered with standard cytogenetic analysis.

Specimen Container
Sterile 15ml screw-cap container

Fluorescence in situ hybridization is performed on interphase cells to detect aneuploidy of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X & Y.  Results are confirmed by cytogenetic analysis.

Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT refrigerate, freeze or centrifuge) 

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, large amount of blood, inappropriate container

Turnaround Time

Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Screening Info

Identification of carriers for autosomal recessive diseases of increased prevalence among people of Jewish descent.

Specimen Requirements
Minimum 10cc whole blood for a single test and 30cc whole blood for multiple tests.

Specimen Container
lavender-top tube (EDTA) or yellow-top tube  (ACD-A)

Molecular genetic analysis for specific mutations:

  • Bloom Syndrome
  • Canavan Disease Mutation Analysis
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Familial Dysautonomia
  • Fanconi Anemia (Group C)
  • Gaucher Disease
  • Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1a
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease
  • Mucolipidosis Type IV
  • Niemann-Pick Disease (Type A)
  • Tay-Sachs Disease

Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT freeze or centrifuge)

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, clotted or hemolysed, inappropriate container

Turnaround Time
10-14 days

Bladder Cancer (UroVysion™) Info

UroVysion is a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) based molecular cytogenetic test that detects aneuploidy of chromosomes 3, 7 and 17 and the deletion of the 9p21 locus in carcinoma cells present in urine specimens.  This test is used to diagnose bladder cancer in patients with hematuria (adjunct to ThinPrep-based urine cytology) and to monitor bladder cancer recurrence.

Collection Procedure
Collect 50ml of urine in a 100ml urine container

Specimen Requirements
Cells in urine specimens can settle to the bottom of collection cups.  Make certain cells are re-suspended by swirling prior to adding Cytolyt™ or 50% ethanol in 1:1 solution. Alternatively, mix urine with carbowax (2% polyethylene glycol in 50% ethanol) 2:1 (v:v) within 6 hours of collection.
Refrigerate specimen while waiting for shipping.  DO NOT FREEZE.

Specimen Container
Urine container

Microscopic analysis, digital image capture

Causes for Rejection
Urine contaminated with bacteria or fungi is unacceptable.  Specimens exposed to high temperature (>37°C) are also unacceptable.

Room temperature Ship within 72 hours of collection.

Turnaround Time
3-5 days

BREAST CANCER: HER-2 FISH (PathVysion™) Info

The identification of HER-2 over expression by immunohistochemistry in conjunction with gene amplification detected by FISH is associated with a comprehensive positive response to the humanized, monoclonal antibody Herceptin® in patients that have failed standard chemotherapy treatment.  The detection of HER-2 gene amplification by FISH analysis is linked with rapid cancer cell proliferation, decreased disease-free survival and poor overall survival in both node-negative and node-positive ductal breast cancers.  In patients with advanced breast carcinoma, HER-2 amplification predicts responsiveness to transtuzumab (Herceptin®) therapy and poor response to standard chemotherapy.

Collection Procedure
Fixed Paraffin Block with Corresponding H&E:

  • Tissue should be well fixed and well processed.  Formalin fixation preferred unless otherwise indicated.  If alternative fixative is used, it should be noted on requisition
  • 0.2cm x 0.2cm x .2cm tissue
  • Store specimen at room temperature (>16°)

Specimen Requirements
Unstained Slides:

  • Send all slides within 6 weeks of cutting
  • Minimum of 4 slides for FISH testing
  • Pre-cut slides from paraffin block in 5 micron sections and mounted on poly-l-lysine coated or plus (+) slides
  • IHC+ region indicated and  IHC score
  • Air dry.  Do not oven dry
  • Store specimens at room temperature (>16°)

Specimen Container
Send slides in protective case to prevent damage.

Microscopic analysis, digital image capture

Causes for Rejection
Inappropriate processing of tissue or IHC negative result

Room temperature

Turnaround Time
2-3 days

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Chromosome Analysis Info


  • Advanced maternal age (>35 years of age)
  • Previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormality
  • Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage
  • Family history of a chromosomal abnormality
  • Abnormal maternal serum screening results
  • Abnormal ultrasound findings

Collection Procedure
Aseptically transfer the specimen into sterile plastic conical tubes containing sterile transport medium.  Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth.  A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport media is available upon request.  It is recommended that CytoGenX provide sterile transport media.  Contact client services for media 888-436-3633

Specimen Requirements
5-20 mg chorionic villi tissue

Specimen Container
Sterile 15ml screw cap container containing sterile transport medium

Cell culturing of the CVS tissue to identify both numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities

Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT refrigerate, freeze or centrifuge)

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, absence of fetal tissue, inappropriate transport medium

Turnaround Time
5-10 days


Cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood (if 10% or more blasts present) can identify numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations that are diagnostic and/or prognostic for some types of leukemia and lymphoma.  Chromosome analysis is often employed for staging, monitoring treatment and predicting relapse.  Leukemias and lymphomas can be distinguished by specific chromosome abnormalities which can aid in precise diagnosis, disease etiology, patient prognosis and disease management.

Collection Procedure
Green top tube (sodium heparin).  Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth.  A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport kit is available upon request.

Specimen Requirements
5-10 ml whole blood.  Minimum 5 x 106 cell yield must contain 10% or greater, less-mature myelocytes, promyelocytes or blasts. The white blood count (WBC) is a rough guide to estimate circulating malignant cells.

Specimen Container
Sodium heparin (green top).  Do not collect in lithium heparin.

Tissue culture, microscopic analysis, digital image capture and karyotype production

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, clotted or hemolysed, inappropriate collection tube

Ship at room temperature. Do not freeze.  Do not centrifuge. Must be received within 24 hours of collection. Delay in shipping may compromise cell viability and results.

Turnaround Time
7-9 days


Since bone marrow is composed of actively dividing cells, and is usually the source of lymphomas and leukemic cells, it is more often the specimen of choice for analysis.  Cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow can identify acquired chromosome abnormalities that are diagnostic and/or prognostic for some types of leukemia and lymphoma.  Chromosome analysis is often employed for staging, monitoring treatment and predicting relapse.  Leukemias and lymphomas can be distinguished by specific chromosome abnormalities which can aid in precise diagnosis, disease etiology, patient prognosis and disease management.

Collection Procedure
Draw into heparinized syringe (50U/ml) to prevent clotting and transfer into green top tube (sodium heparin) for transport.  Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth.  A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport kit is available upon request.

Specimen Requirements
2-3 ml bone marrow.  (minimum 5 x 106 cells / ideally 10-20 x 106 cells)

  • If bone marrow cannot be aspirated, a 1cm bone core specimen can be submitted in sterile transport medium available from CytoGenX (do not fix)

Specimen Container
Sodium heparin (green top).  Do not collect in lithium heparin.

Tissue culture, microscopic analysis, digital image capture and karyotype production

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, clotted or hemolysed, inappropriate collection tube

Ship at room temperature. Do not freeze.  Do not centrifuge. Must be received within 24 hours of collection.  Delay in shipping may compromise cell viability and results.

Turnaround Time
7-9 days


Many solid tumors, especially soft tissue sarcomas, have precise structural chromosomal abnormalities that are important for precise diagnosis.  Cancer cytogenetic studies can identify numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities that are diagnostic and/or prognostic for various types of solid tumors.

Collection Procedure
Aseptically transfer the specimen into sterile plastic conical tubes containing sterile transport medium.  Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth.  A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample.  A transport kit is available upon request.

Specimen Requirements
3-4 mm tumor biopsy obtained by aseptic method; larger specimens should be divided into multiple tubes of sterile transport medium (sterile transport medium available from CytoGenX).
Do not place in fixative.

  • Please Note: In the absence of CytoGenX transport tubes, use any sterile screw-top container with tissue culture medium preferably Hanks Balanced Salt Solution and add antibiotics: Penicillin/Streptomycin (100 IU/ml/100 μg/ml) or Gentamycin (50 μg/ml)

Specimen Container
Sterile screw top container containing sterile transport medium

Tissue culture, microscopic analysis, digital image capture and karyotype production

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, clotted or hemolysed, inappropriate collection tube

Ship at room temperature. Do not freeze.  Do not centrifuge. Must be received within 24 hours of collection. Delay in shipping may compromise cell viability and results.

Turnaround Time
8-10 days

Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) microarray Info

When a submicroscopic gain or loss of chromosomal material is suspected and is beyond the resolution of routine chromosome analysis, CGH microarray should be considered as adjunct testing.

Karyotype analysis on amniotic fluid samples or chorionic villi has limited resolution and there is a delay between sampling and results. Therefore, invasive prenatal diagnosis has been reserved for pregnancies that are at increased risk for a defined genetic disorder, or for common aneuploidies found in liveborns. However, more than 70 disorders are now known to be associated with birth defects or developmental problems that are caused by deletion or duplication of a small chromosomal segment. These conditions and aneuploidies can be detected by array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), which can evaluate the copy number of thousands of genomic regions simultaneously in a single assay. We review current knowledge on benign and pathological genomic copy number variants, principles of array CGH and its use for discovery and diagnosis of genetic diseases. Array CGH has already revolutionized genetic diagnosis in children and adults and is being used increasingly for prenatal diagnosis.

Current Practice for Prenatal Diagnosis of Chromosomal Abnormalities

Currently, invasive prenatal cytogenetic testing by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis is routinely offered to pregnant women who are at an increased risk of a fetus with the most common aneuploidy associated with neonatal survival, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), secondarily trisomy 18 and 13. The risk for these conditions is calculated from maternal age, abnormal first- or second-trimester serum screening results, fetal anomalies detected by ultrasound, a family history of cytogenetic disorders or from a combination of these.[1,2] Less frequently, women are offered DNA-based molecular testing because of an increased risk for a specific Mendelian disorder in their fetus based on family history, abnormal results on parental carrier screening (e.g., for cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia or thalassemia), or abnormal prenatal ultrasound findings.

Karyotype analysis of G-banded chromosomal metaphase spreads has been the standard method for prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis since the 1970s. Such conventional cytogenetic analysis can identify all chromosomal aneuploidies and chromosomal aberrations that are microscopically visible. These include deletions, duplications or balanced and unbalanced chromosomal translocations, typically involving chromosomal segments of at least 4–5 Mb in size. Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) and mosaic chromosomal abnormalities are also detected. The major limitations of conventional cytogenetic analysis are the low resolution of the G-banding technique, the requirement for cell culture, the extended time from sampling to results and the need for subjective interpretation, which requires skill and limits the possibility for high-throughput automated analysis. Frequently, 10–14 days are needed to obtain results. More importantly, submicroscopic deletions, duplications or other rearrangements are not commonly detectable. This category of structural genomic variants is an increasingly recognized cause of genetic disorders and has been associated with up to 17% of syndromic and nonsyndromic mental retardation.[3]

Fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific probes and, more recently, quantitative fluorescent PCR, is commonly used for the fast detection of the clinically relevant major aneuploidies (sex chromosome aneuploidy and trisomies 13, 21 and 18).[4,5]FISH with locus-specific probes from selected regions known to harbor a known deletion or duplication syndrome, can also readily be performed. However, it is used less frequently prenatally and only when the fetus is clinically suspected to be at risk for a particular syndrome from a suggestive family history or a typical prenatal ultrasound finding. For example, FISH with a probe in 22q11 in the velocardiofacial/DiGeorge syndrome microdeletion region is offered when a fetal congenital heart defect is detected by prenatal ultrasound.[6] As only a few probes can be used simultaneously, FISH is of limited benefit as a general prenatal diagnostic tool; for example, when there are nonspecific findings on fetal ultrasound. In addition, the birth defects and developmental problems found in many of the known microdeletion and microduplication syndromes have nonspecific or no prenatal ultrasound findings, and these conditions are rarely detected in low-risk pregnancies.

Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) is a recently developed method that simultaneously evaluates numerous genomic regions for copy-number losses (deletions), or gains (duplications) and can address many of the limitations of karyotyping and FISH. Array CGH is already widely used for the clinical diagnosis of cytogenetic and genomic disorders in the pediatric population[7-9] and, more recently, has been evaluated for prenatal diagnosis.[10-12]